Strange objects recently captured by the James Webb Space Telescope could reveal new secrets of the early universe.

This discovery was made by researchers through the use of a method commonly used to detect exoplanets.

Not the name of a star, that's the name of a star. Like humans, the planets' life is divided into three phases: young, middle-aged, old.

Astronomers from Britain argue that life in the upper atmosphere of brown dwarfs may exist. That is the content of the article published in arXiv.org Electronic Library.

Somewhere in a distant galaxy, scientists believe they captured the first image of a planet orbiting the two suns.

An American astronomer said he had found a pair of new stars lying close to the solar system, and also the nearest neighbor to be discovered since 1917.

An international team of scientists, has discovered the phenomenon of bipolar carbon monoxide release from a very low-mass young MHO 5 star, in the Taurus star-forming region.

Our galaxy-like spiral galaxies are made up of several structural elements. The most prominent part of them is a flat disk in stars and gas that creates graceful long spiral arms.