This newly discovered material is able to absorb up to 99,995% of light.

In theory, with higher performance and more efficient use of energy, we expect it will replace silicon chips.

The solar industry breakthrough will allow us to take advantage of huge energy

The armor has the ability to increase the strength of the soldier, increase the ability to withstand damage from bullets, it can even become invisible.

British firm Surrey Nanosystems has built a

Recently, a group of researchers at MIT implanted carbon nanotubes into organelles inside plant cells to improve the production efficiency of plants' energy.

The group of young scientists from the Department of Materials Research and Components Technology has just launched a product that promises to bring super profits to the country:

As the textile industry goes down, this may be a new dimension for silkworms studied and developed.

The method of making new 3D computer chips, using materials that are carbon nanotubes, can give processing speeds up to 1,000 times faster than computer chips.