Cassini - the first spacecraft to carry out the mission to discover Saturn plunged into the atmosphere of this planet suicide, leaving lots of priceless scientific data and great

The Cassini spacecraft entered the final phase of its mission to fly 5 around Saturn and dive down close to the giant planet's upper deck, according to the International Business

The image was taken last Wednesday, when it began its last 22 loops around Saturn.

The Cassini cruise ship has flown across Titan, gathering information from the secret lakes on the moon and shooting radio signals over 1.4 billion kilometers to Earth.

Uranus appears as a green dot, about 4.28 billion kilometers from the Cassini and US Space Agency (NASA) and Saturn ships.

On March 28 (VN time), the Cassini probe has flown across Saturn's moon Enceladus to the lowest level ever. Scientists think there may be an ocean on this moon.

National Geographic reported that Cassini had just taken a flight close to Saturn's Dione satellite. Based on the data sent by the ship, scientists concluded that Dione has an

The biggest and most intense storm in the last 20 years has been discovered on Saturn. The initial measurement data for the storm was published on the cover of Nature, July 7,

The Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn has captured a very interesting scene of the small satellite Mimas.

Photos taken with Hubble telescopes and NASA's Cassini probe not only contributed to scientific research but also artistic value.