The star Betelgeuse 10 million years old with a diameter of more than 1.3 billion kilometers may have swallowed a companion mass with the mass of the Sun.

The most accurate measurement conducted by Canadian scientists shows the total mass of stars, black holes, dust, dark matter and unspecified flying objects of the Milky Way range

Australian scientists discovered a planet orbiting a parent star at a billion billion kilometers, 7,000 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun.

The Hubble Space Telescope of the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) has observed the specter of destined celestial bodies lurking around where these objects appear and disappear.

NASA has announced a new map with more than 560 million stars, galaxies and asteroids, many of which have never been known before.

Experts of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roskomos) were embarrassed to see the altitude of the Mars spacecraft, wandering in the air, rising abnormally.

Russia's Phobos-Grunt spacecraft and China's Yinghuo 1 will be launched on Mars's Phobos satellite using Zenit missiles at the Baikonur space airport in Kazakhstan on November 8.

Experts at NASA claimed they had counted nearly all of the celestial bodies that could endanger our planet.

An American space telescope has just found a planet revolving around two stars, a phenomenon that is only observed in fantasy movies.

The moon's core is iron! This conclusion was made by René Weber, NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (USA) and Raphael Garcia, University of Toulouse (France) after dealing with