In the context of the world is

Come to the office, you can live under air conditioning, but if you turn on the air conditioner 24/7, it's not a good idea. You can keep the house cool during the summer day in

There are millions of colors in this world. So finding a new color doesn't seem to matter.

In recent times, many types of electric supermarket systems have appeared

A general study is necessary to eliminate all doubts and fully exploit the benefits of trees.

Unlike the hairs of all other animals that are responsible for keeping warm, the fur can help this great animal cool down.

The hot sun peaks up to 51oC in India, causing the asphalt to melt, making it difficult for people to walk on the road.

Use geoengineering method (globe technology) like

According to a reporter at the United Nations, on July 9, the International Energy Agency (IEA) predicted that by 2050, solar energy could meet 16% of global demand for heat and

The chambers inside the No. 1 and No. 2 reactors of the earthquake and tsunami plant in Fukushima, Japan, will be filled with water to help cool these ovens - a measure of