cosmic background radiation

In 1986, astronomers discovered

The universe, with its boundless and mysterious appearance, has always been a controversial subject and has stimulated the human imagination.

The vast, seemingly infinite, invisible universe may be home to alien inhabitants.

The theory of three-dimensional cosmos suggests that all we see, including ourselves, is just an illusion. This is still controversial in the scientific world.

Each of the following pictures will give you many interesting things about science.

Scientists have discovered the missing part of the 1990s, knowing where it lies but it has not been confirmed until now.

Since its founding in 1958, NASA has always been one of the pioneers in the field of space exploration.

Currently dark energy is an overwhelming component in the universe (70% versus 25% dark matter and 5% ordinary matter), dark energy is making the universe expand with acceleration.

Black holes create conditions for life to form if there is a planet orbiting it.

The first stars appeared in the sky 560 million years after the big bang (Big Bang), a time considered the birthplace of the universe, 140 million years later than the information