A decade before Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon, an engineer at the US Aerospace Agency (NASA).

Over half a century of pursuing space exploration programs, the US Space Agency (NASA) has been searching for the most suitable outfit for its cosmonauts.

NASA has just announced a contract with Oceaneering International Inc. belongs to Houston to design, develop and produce a costume system for new astronauts. This outfit will

Photographs of people disguising themselves as spooky, frightening faces during the 1900- 1920 Halloween festival impressed the public.

An Austrian adventurous skydiver will perform a jump at 37 km to plunge to the ground at supersonic speeds.

Bridal brides in water will fall into the irony if it rains in their wedding ceremony.

Not only prevent the onset of TB germs, E-Coli ... Flutect resistant fabrics can also help prevent the onset of the virus, especially H5N1.