Dieing by laughing, dying by tripping by his own beard, dying of proving himself flying, being killed by robots ... are some of the strangest strange deaths

Behaviors seem to be very normal in Vietnam, but they are a ticket that takes you to prison for a few days in some countries around the world.

Babies who haven't crawled at 9 months of age face the risk of being left behind at school and having trouble catching up with their classmates, a study has just revealed.

Lil 'Bill is born with a weight of only 1/10 normal calves and is about to set a record for the world's smallest cow.

You will have to go back to the time when history began to be recorded, when the cows did not graze and sided with the tail to chase flies.

Sheep have the thickest coat, the fastest speeding turtle or the hound of a long dog

Goldfish are not as stupid as we thought, camel humps do not contain water, bats are not blind ... The following are interesting questions about animals around us.

UN scientists say they have killed the deadly virus in cattle. If this is confirmed, this is the second virus after smallpox is controlled by humans.

McDonald's business group of fast-food restaurant systems will learn how to reduce methane in cows to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The British Food Standards Bureau has informed scientists of their conclusion that the milk and meat of asexual reproductive animals and their offspring ...