A cow named Coco in England just made a miracle when he gave birth to 3 healthy calves with 2 completely different breeds.

US scientists have searched in the cow's gut that enzymes that make enzymes can break down hay into absorbable products.

Do you remember this cow? Its name is Knickers, which has occupied the spotlight of many forums around the world. And the reason why you look at the picture will probably guess.

Two cows and one calf squirm on the narrow mound after the surrounding area collapses in the 7.8-magnitude quake.

Some animals have sharp senses that help them know in advance of a catastrophe or detect cancer that astoundes scientists.

With a height of over 6m and a weight of 1.3 tons, the size of these guys is truly remarkable. But the guys who look red on your face make you lose your feelings immediately

The World Wildlife Conservation Organization (WWF) today warned that the world's largest population of banteng bison in Cambodia is threatened by hunting and the shrinking habitat.

An Argentinian laboratory announced that they had just created the world's first genetically modified cow to carry human genes and when it grew up it would give milk like human

South Korean media reported that the country has succeeded in cloning a black cow that died three years ago by cooling and defrosting eggs very quickly.

The Director of Agricultural Genetics, PGS - Dr. Le Huy Ham said that the breeding of gaur breeds with domestic cows will create a valuable genetic resource, good resistance to