Henry VIII's erratic acts, the king famous for marrying six wives and killing two of them, may be due to a traumatic brain injury.

Sometimes a small carelessness such as bending down to tie a shoelace, lifting your head up to the edge of the table also stunned you.

Scientists have discovered that a protein that can support the diagnosis of chronic brain damage (CTE) often occurs in athletes, veterans ...

Traffic accidents have caused many casualties, first aid in place can contribute to keeping the victim's life alive. However, if the first aid is not correct, it may harm the

According to Svopi, Harvard Medical School staff, USA, conducted research on mouse brains and magnetic resonance imaging from the brains of people in a coma.

Endangered situations such as burns, bleeding wounds, fractures, convulsions, sprains, traumatic brain injury ... if first aid properly can help limit injury, timely save the

College Athletes, who have experienced intense tremors during sports, may have experienced a decline in verbal expression, according to researchers.