According to Zoology magazine, the sound of the rooster crowing may be loud enough to startle a person too close.

It is possible that many people do not know, deafness so far is still considered incurable - except cases of deafness due to eardrum perforation.

According to a recent audiologist, it seems that we - especially young people - still have not anticipated the harmful effects of this action.

Scientists from Queretaro University (UAQ) in Mexico have successfully invented a device capable of quickly diagnosing deafness in newborns.

In the near future, using gene therapy, human deafness will be completely cured.

The British Journal of Natural Medicine released Feb. 4, scientists at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in the United States have recovered some of their

A simple DNA test with infant saliva may reveal whether a baby is infected with the virus can cause deafness in some cases.

Latest research shows that listening to music too loud, especially with headphones not only reduces hearing, but also changes neurological physiology.

Most of the noise in the neighborhood cannot cause deafness, but it can affect health at different levels.

The next time you intend to turn up the volume, remember the warning of Australian doctors: young people are at risk of permanent hearing loss, if they go to the noisy bar and