US scientists have claimed to have discovered and identified the date of ancient coral reefs near the Deepwater Horizon rig incident.

Scientists have deciphered the genome of bacteria that are able to remove oil from the water, returning a healthy ecosystem to the sea.

The vast majority of us are unaware of how much 7 billion people are and how it will affect the environment. Let's admire the shocking images of the environment and the population

The study of the oil spill at a depth of 1,500 meters below sea level in April 2010, the Deepwater Horizon explosion showed many new risks to the environment.

It has been a year since the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig, causing hundreds of millions of liters of oil to flow into the sea, but the consequences it has left today are

The Deepwater Horizon disaster has been confirmed by the latest US government estimates as the largest marine oil leak ever.

BP's oil spill beaches now look cleaner, but scientists' research indicates another truth. Corexite combines with oil to form tar (asphalt). This material does not disappear as