The Dragon left the launch pad in the state of Florida, and the US carried out the task of carrying 2,500kg of goods to the International Space Station.

This is the last flight of the Dragon ship developed by SpaceX under a contract signed in 2008 with NASA in the Trade Trajectory Relay Service project.

On March 19, SpaceX's Dragon's unmanned spacecraft returned to Earth safely after nearly a month of being on orbit, ending its mission of supplying cargo to astronauts working on

SpaceX has just introduced the second version of SpaceX Dragon space ship.

The three engines of the Dragon Airship did not start after the rocket pushed it out of the earth to reach the International Space Station yesterday.

The robotic arm of the robot grabbed Dragon at 10:30 am on March 3 at GMT (17h31 on the same day in Hanoi) when both objects flew above northern Ukraine at an altitude of about

On October 10, NASA announced that the Dragon cargo ship launched by the Space Technology Expedition Group (SpaceX) on October 7 successfully connected to the Station.

Recently US Space X Group launched a new generation Dragon V2 spacecraft with many interior improvements.