There are some parts of the world where the kinetic activity below the surface of the Earth cannot be detected.

Strange footprints were found in the ocean floor by a deep-diving robot belonging to a British study of the National Oceanographic Center in Southampton.

NASA's Earth-observation spacecraft detects nearly 900 mysterious lights reflected from the planet's surface in just one year.

According to a recent study, the collisions of asteroids into the Earth's surface may have facilitated the growth of microorganisms.

The Moon may cause massive earthquakes due to the tidal pressure peaking for geological faults on the Earth's surface.

See photos of geologist Edmaier, you feel like looking at abstract paintings.

GeoEye commercial satellite company has just released a 2011 calendar set of impressive photos of places on our planet ...

Earth's tectonic plates are on a moving, soft layer, which slowly changes the face of the Earth over time.

If we consider protein to be a specific substance of life, water is an indispensable environment for life to function.