Without inspiration from electric eels, we wouldn't have batteries to put in today's smartphones.

The electric eel hides an evolutionary mystery that Charles Darwin also couldn't explain.

The electric eel inspired physicist Alessandro Volta to invent the first battery, and it is also being

Snowflake eel, also known as snowflake eel, has up to two sharp jaws. One in the oral cavity and the other under the throat.

Visitors to the Tennessee aquarium may be shocked to learn that the Christmas tree is being lit from an unusual renewable energy source - an electric eel.

The vast Amazon jungle is always hidden with unexplored mysteries, making the trip to the forest full of dangers but equally interesting and stimulating curiosity.

The electric eel, a famous Amazon aquatic monster, has the ability to paralyze prey by releasing a 660 volt electric current.

There are about 200 species of Moray eels worldwide, the size of these fish can range from 25cm to 4m depending on the habitat.

Kenneth Catania, a biologist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, lets a small electric eel transmit electricity through his arm when recording electricity.

The dense mangrove forest is not lacking