Adolescents are an age that is emotionally susceptible, sensitive to many problems around, even strange behaviors, thought to be due to facing anxiety disorders.
Rich people perceive the feelings of others as poorer than the poor, according to a recent study by scientists at the University of California (USA).
Global warming can turn the world into a more violent place, because the higher the temperature, the easier it is for people to get angry and angry.
A new study shows that the type of hormone that creates the emotional relationship between mother and child also plays an important role in the selection of partners.
Scientists conclude that gentlemen may fall into love traps within 8.2 seconds.
Scientists claim that controlled rage helps us conquer higher positions in our careers.
New research from Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh (UK) shows that watching many romantic love movies will negatively affect love.
The sex of this teenager can change every day according to her feelings that day.
Scientists warn components in painkillers can reduce the ability of others to feel pain whether it is physical or emotional.
A recent Australian study published on the Australian Health Review shows that people who are obese suffer more mental health problems than others.