Due to miscalculation, America's largest destructive thermonuclear bomb test, Castle Bravo in 1954, created a major ecological and environmental disaster.

Two new studies are published in the September 11 edition of Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, revealing that fruit flies are also affected by neighbors.

If a lush and safe forest with meandering streams is considered a luxury stop for migratory birds, in fact, according to Purdue University's research results, these birds are very

The decline in the number of vultures has caused general hygiene problems worldwide because animal corpses tend to rot, or be eaten by rats or wild dogs.

The picture of the hunting wolf won the prestigious award of Veolia Wild Habitat in 2009 ...

The United Nations headquarters in New York and offices around the world will participate in the

Leaders of the four Southeast Asian countries began to discuss with China about the dryness of the Mekong.

On May 3, in the French capital of Paris, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) opened the 5th Global Ocean Conference.