6 biofuel plants have been licensed with an annual demand of about 1.2 million tons of cassava chips, in which Quang Nam factory has operated. Businesses are worried about lack of

The US Cobalt company has found a way to produce bioethanol from a dead plant due to the beetle infestation.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of watermelons thrown away annually around the world could become a source of fuel for biofuel production.

For the first time, researchers genetically engineered Escherichia coli to create the long-chain alcohol needed for biofuel production.

A group of New York University scientists found alcohol made zebrafish excited and more brave.

In the present era, the cost of moving and traveling such as maintenance and repair, especially the demand for fuel has become one of the hottest issues.

Sorghum is poised to become the first official advanced biofuel when the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) prepares for the final approval of the grain for ethanol

Demand for ethanol is increasing, however, because production costs are still quite high, they cannot compete with traditional fuels today.

The Brazilian Ministry of the Environment recently released a report saying that when using ethanol fuel as a fuel for automobile engines, pollution emissions are not less than

The common methanol poison in illicit alcohol is just different from ethanol in the amount of carbon and hydrogen atoms but can be deadly in small doses.