Scientific data suggest that it is likely that people with minimal states of consciousness, such as when unconscious, still experience pain if they are experiencing some sort of

Recent studies have demonstrated how fragile human memory is. It's easy to make mistakes, and small hints can trigger false memories.

Some people think that the human brain only uses 10% of its capacity, if this threshold is exceeded, they can become superhuman, but scholars have rejected this view. Why is that?

Actually, clone art also has a reality origin. In the past, people used to believe in a god with absolute power.

New scientific research has found that feeling hungry can actually make us angry and irritable.

After the brain, the eyeball is the second most complex organ in the body. It is estimated that the human eye processes 24 million different images in a lifetime, accounting for

Your eyes can itch because harmful oxygen molecules side effect damage the corneal cells and long-term sleep deprivation leads to corneal cell death.

The number is equivalent to the chip of a smartphone using a 4G network.

More than 100 years ago, German biologist Richard Semon coined the term 'engram', which means that the production of memory causes certain physical or chemical changes in the

There are hundreds of Demodex, or eyelash beetles, living in different areas of the human face. During the day they hide well, at night they crawl to the surface of human skin to