Scientists say human urine can be recycled into extremely good fertilizer for plants at a very low cost.
During the Stone Age around 6,000 years BC, farmers knew how to use cattle manure such as cows, sheep, goats and pigs as a slow-release fertilizer for plants.
Peat is made up of corpses of different plants. Plant material is accumulated, buried and affected by submerged conditions for many years. With anaerobic decomposition, the plant
Using too much fertilizer, especially nitrogen fertilizer in cultivation leads to excessive nitrate (NO3) and dangerous to consumers' health, scientists warn.
Synthetic fertilizer for plants is a major source of pollution. This effect is even more pronounced when the fertilizer dissolves and dissolves into the water source.
Hanoi team of scientists has successfully researched the technology of producing micro-organic fertilizer specialized for sugarcane.
In order to use fertilizers effectively, especially in rice production, for many years, the agricultural sector has regularly advised farmers to use fertilizers on the principle of
Tomato plants are being cultivated by farmers all over the country, from household consumption to large commodity production. Besides breeding and caring factors, the technique of
For rural areas, the situation of people igniting and discharging indiscriminately straw after harvest into canals, roads causing dust, environmental pollution, obstructing traffic
Hair, which is what goes off at ladies' beauty and hair cutting shops, can become a useful source of nutrition for the soil if combined with other fertilizers.