In our world, there are also many species that have the ability to manipulate other species to serve their purposes. Let's find out which species they are!

In the mysterious natural world, some insects are likened to true warriors because they have superior abilities worthy of being recorded in the

Certainly everyone used to have a childhood attached to a bug named fireflies, a light flickering every night that any child is interested and curious.

By new imaging techniques, scientists look deeply at the bioluminescence mechanism of fireflies, which often flash light during the night to communicate or warn of the risk of

In addition to glowing to seduce mates, male fireflies also offer a unique

Preecha Jiabyu used to have time to take tourists on a boat along the banks of the Mae Klong River, glowing with thousands of fireflies.

According to Professor Sara Lewis of the University of Tufts, Boston (USA), the glowing fireflies flickering during the summer night may be just a kind of fanfare about their

Optical glow is one of the great abilities of all species in nature.

Located on the outskirts of Waitomo town in North Island, New Zealand, the Waitomo Glowworm cave system is an attractive tourist attraction.

The fact that the other child eats the other is a law of the natural world. But the animals' killing methods below are brutal.