Recently, scientists found an extremely rare group of fish fossils in Guizhou Province, China, attracting the attention of the international scientific community.

Tanyrhinichthys mcallisteri has a sturgeon-like shape with a long protruding snout that focuses the senses to help them catch prey.

Here are seven of the most typical discoveries that humans have discovered while sleeping unconsciously.

The report of the Argentine Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) announced on October 9 that the fossil was found in the eastern province of Mendoza.

This ancient fossil was excavated in a limestone study around Lake Burinjuck - about 50km northwest of Australia's Canberra capital.

Mexican scientists have recently found two species of fossils dating back 110 million years, which is in the Ky Phan Trang, in El Chango residential area, Ocozocoautla de Espinosa