• Warning fish species 'testicular bite'

    Warning fish species 'testicular bite'
    Swedish and Danish authorities have warned men carefully when swimming in the southern beaches of the Oresund Strait of the two countries because of the presence of the favorite
  • Scary things you don't know about the natural world

    Scary things you don't know about the natural world
    Frog species that actively break bones to create claws and seagulls Fulmar vomits out venom, Pacu fish has close contact with Piranha carnivorous fish, sex change flatworm, mating
  • Unbelievably strange animals

    Unbelievably strange animals
    At first glance, many people will think these animals are the product of Photoshop photo editing tools, but in fact, they are real animals, living with humans on the globe.
  • Collection of formidable aquatic monsters

    Collection of formidable aquatic monsters
    Jeremy Wade, the River Monster TV host, has an impressive collection of 127 kg stingrays, human-eating catfish, giant piranhas and transsexuals.