China's forestry authority issued a warning about the threat of invasive insects from abroad. The government is also preparing countermeasures.

According to the team, the cost of printing 100g of meat with this technology is only about $ 3, not too high compared to buying meat directly in the supermarket.

Roasted milk contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, providing three times more calories than buffalo milk and can become a new superfood in the future.

10 terrible disasters in human history have harmed not only people and possessions but also badly affected the environment for many years to come.

Scientists believe that hard wheat with a 'like' salt gene that tends to grow rapidly in saline soil will solve the problem of food crisis in the future.

A group of United Nations scientists on September 2 warned that humanity has pushed the Earth's climate system to the brink of danger and there is little time to act.

The UN has just warned: nearly 10 million people in the Horn of Africa in East Africa are facing a humanitarian emergency because the region struggles with the worst drought in 60

If you detonate 100 nuclear warheads, the Earth will be severely devastated, with temperature and rainfall falling, leading to a food crisis.

Hunger problems are becoming more serious for people all over the world. Many experts say countries are facing a world war on oil, food and clean water.

The study highlights issues related to the conversion of plants to biofuels. Occupying land and planting biofuel crops creates a dilemma: Is it reasonable to produce inefficient