• Why do potatoes have eyes?

    Why do potatoes have eyes?
    We must be no strangers to the small dents on the surface of a potato, often called the 'eye'. However, have you ever wondered why potatoes have eyes, or why they are called eyes
  • Is corn a fruit, vegetable or cereal?

    Is corn a fruit, vegetable or cereal?
    Is corn (fruit), fruit, vegetable or cereal? The question may seem silly to children but surely many adults will not know the answer.
  • Looking for rice varieties

    Looking for rice varieties
    A rice variety capable of adapting to all harsh climatic conditions such as drought, flooding, salinity ... is a challenge that is being studied by researchers at the International
  • New rice varieties improve productivity for Asia

    New rice varieties improve productivity for Asia
    Scientists have discovered a gene in India's Kasalath wild rice variety that has the potential to increase rice production in poorly nutrient gravel soils.