Solar Foods' factory uses renewable electricity and feeds greenhouse gas-eating microorganisms to produce protein powders that replace milk and eggs.
What is of interest is how a flood-prone land with little or no natural resources like the Netherlands became the global agricultural, engineering, ... and business region it is
Security Water resources and food security are topics that the United Nations (UN) offers for World Water Day (March 22) this year. On this occasion, the UN warned the world risk
Millions of people threatened by fast-melting Himalayan glaciers are warnings by scientists at the UN Climate Change Conference that is taking place in Durban, South Africa.
Besides a few typical farms, with modern facilities, North Korea's food security relies heavily on simple farming methods, mainly using human power.
On December 1, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) adopted a new global plan to conserve and sustainably use plant genetic resources for agriculture
In just a few decades, an acute shortage of food could lead to conflicts on a global scale and could even turn into catastrophic battles on Earth in 2050.
Anti-allergy apples, vaccine potatoes, 'super sweet' junk food but good for health ... are foods with delicious and nutritious flavor.
More and more people in the world are hungry; and the world population is growing strongly. At present, there are more than 7 billion people on earth (1 billion of them are short
People who eat right after being stained with Rhodamine may have difficulty breathing, burning in the chest, headache, urine turning fluorescent red, this substance accumulates for