How to free the submarine crew in an emergency?

Ancient humans used to store bones from animals so they could eat their marrow later. This is the first evidence that these populations delay the use of food and they can plan

Here is a summary of the tips to help you experience prevention, standard when the flood storms come, invite you to consult.

Side-by-Side is a cabinet with 2 doors and opened from the middle. The freezer compartment is placed on the left hand side to store frozen and ice making, the right compartment is

At an emergency meeting on November 10, Hanoi President Nguyen The Thao asked districts and districts to plan to emigrate from stormy areas in an emergency situation.

The freezer compartment helps keep food longer, but it doesn't matter how long it takes to keep food in the freezer.

Herbs, fruits and bread can be frozen. Preserving in the freezer will extend their life up to 6 months, a year.

The post-apocalyptic films have drawn a lot of dark scenarios like zombies, earthquakes, tsunamis, epidemics ... sweeping the earth.