When objects freeze due to liquid nitrogen, the particles inside them move much more slowly and the space between the particles almost disappears.

Burial and cremation of the dead are the two most common burial forms in the world. However, in the world culture, there is a special way of carrying burial dead: immersion in

The dry, incomprehensible concepts and physical phenomena will become easier and more interesting with these wonderful experiments.

At altitudes above 8000m, the amount of oxygen is extremely thin and rare, it is not enough to maintain the functioning of the brain, heart, muscles, other internal organs and cold

The phenomenon of hot water freezing faster than cold water is also called

Israeli scientists have discovered the strange ability of water to freeze when heated.

Antarctic fish species can freely travel in sea water below 0oC because their blood has anticoagulant glycoprotein.

Basically, he will be turned into dry ice in the icy vacuum of the universe. Water in the body turns ice and eventually disappears.

Fossil evidence suggests that Earth formed about 3.5 billion years ago, but the question is how long it will last and what factors can erase all life.

The Odyssey probe of the US Space Agency (NASA) set a new record with the longest-running mission of Mars. Until December 20, the Odyssey flew around the orbit of the red planet