For the first time, scientists have overcome the difficulty of separating raw biomass without using chemicals, and have produced a record-high amount of liquid hydrocarbon fuels.

A British man said he built a car engine, instead of running on gasoline, would run on liquefied oxygen gas. Peter Dearman moved the engine in his 25-year-old Nova Vauxhall to use

People try to find ways to protect the environment that are being heavily polluted. How can we survive in harmony with nature?

General Electric (GE) is seeking permission to build a uranium enrichment plant using a $ 1 billion laser technology.

Scientists at the Institute of Explosive Drugs (General Department of Defense Industry) have researched, produced and tested successfully mixed fuel ingots for low-altitude

US scientists successfully produce jet fuel from the black mold, which often grows out of fallen leaves, soil, and fruit.

Researchers at Israel's Tel Aviv University are developing a hybrid type of hybrid power plant that combines renewable energy (solar thermal energy) with traditional fossil fuels.

Japan and the United States will collaborate on methane hydrate methane exploitation in the United States from January 2012.