On October 10, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) announced measurements at the No.1 reactor of the Fukushima 1 Power Plant, whereby the radioactive concentration measured by the

Japan has just officially confirmed that 24 foreigners were killed in the double 11/3 northeast disaster in the country, while dozens of other foreigners were missing - including

The concentration of radioactivity in the waters near the Fukushima I nuclear power plant, where the incident occurred due to the impact of earthquakes and tsunamis on March 11, is

Today, a series of events took place in Ukraine marking the 25th year of the worst nuclear disaster in world history at the Chernobyl plant, amid a world of radioactive fears after

Nearly a month after the terrifying tsunami of March 11 in Japan, the situation of overcoming the nuclear incident at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant No. 1 has not been improved.

Chiba Technology Institute (CIT) on July 12 launched an advanced robot designed to carry out missions inside high-radiation reactor buildings at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant.