A New Zealand company is trying to recreate the energy of a star on Earth, using a new type of fusion reactor.

Helical Fusion's spiral fusion reactor can operate stably for a long time with an initial power of about 50 - 100 MW.

The JT-60SA reactor, as tall as 6 buildings in Japan, will create plasma as hot as 200 million degrees Celsius, paving the way for the goal of obtaining net energy from fusion

Using a new tungsten diverter, the KSTAR fusion reactor successfully maintained a temperature of 100 million degrees Celsius for 48 seconds.

China is showing great determination in the field of fusion energy.

Fusion energy seems like a promising and promising technology, but never true?

Is this the answer to the world energy crisis certainly going to take place?

In the search for clean energy, China and many countries are seeking fusion reactor solutions.

In June 2015, the total cost of ITER construction exceeded 14 billion USD but experts said this was a totally worthy investment.

The founders of Microsoft and Amazon have invested in several companies researching how to harness the energy of the same fusion reaction on the Sun.