With the rapid development of space technology, people have more and more opportunities to explore the universe, but the main challenges ...

The extreme heat change at the center of a very distant star cluster produces matter particles and antimatter, causing this star cluster to become unstable.

A recent picture of the NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope obtained an image that appears to be a very bright and strange galaxy, but is in fact the result of a pair of spiral

Each year the distance between the sun and the earth increases by 15 cm. The momentum of the sun's decline may be the cause of this phenomenon.

The moon once again becomes a popular destination when some countries discuss setting up stations on it.

AWE and Rutherford Appleton Laboratories (UK) have officially joined hands with the US National Activation System (NIF) to study a new technology to produce clean energy.

In 2030, the fusion power plant will come into being. These 12 power plants will provide 1 trillion watts of electricity (about 1,000 times the capacity of Hoa Binh hydropower

The goal of research on fusion energy is to create the same energy as the stars on earth by synthesizing nuclei of light nuclei such as hydrogen, deutrium, tritium ...

The 'artificial sun' project that produces clean and safe sources of energy could end dependence on the dwindling fuel sources on earth.

After years of research, a giant laser complex has been developed by scientists and the first successful step is to be able to achieve a fusion reaction similar to the Sun.