Although it is well-known in the media about its infectious ability and death, but in modern biological definition, virus is not considered a living organism like bacteria,

Three US, Swedish and Turkish scientists became co-owners of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their useful, groundbreaking studies of cell-level DNA repair.

You probably remember this legendary illustration in a biological textbook. Sex chromosome (chromosome) is a microscope, female is XX and male is XY.

According to Nucleic Acids Research magazine, in the human genome, the amount of encrypted information may be less than 20% of the previous rating.

During the criminal investigation, the identity of the suspect will be easily detected if forensic experts find evidence of the DNA at the scene.

Not only does the information encoded in the letters, the way in which DNA is placed in cells also controls genes expressed in the human body.

DNA testing is a test that uses DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) in our body's cells to determine blood relationships.

A new treatment recently announced by Rockefeller University a few days ago showed that it was basically possible

Genetic experts confirmed that, in cases of burning mourning, just finding a small piece of bone or a tooth can carry DNA identification to identify.

Illumina, a technology research firm, has announced that it is developing a chip that can be integrated into smartphones and allows smartphones to read your genetic information.