After more than 50 years, 'Godzilla' comes back and is becoming an obsession for people living along the southern coast of the United States.

The massive dust storm has never been seen in the past two decades sweeping through Churu city, causing great property losses.

Scientists first witnessed small-scale dust storms from the end of May 2018, but by June 20, dust storms had invaded the entire Red planet.

NASA's Opportunity Mars probe turns to a minimized mode of operation when covered by a cloud of dust that obscures the Sun, New Atlas yesterday reported.

Complex organic molecules hidden in giant dust storms increase the hope of finding life on the moon that NASA has dubbed.

The sky in Wilcannia and Broken Hill towns, in the state of New South Wales and Australia, became dark names right in the middle of the day when a very strong dust storm swept

Iran's IRNA news agency reported that at least four people were killed, more than 30 were injured in a terrible dust storm in the Iranian capital, Iran, on June 2.

Not only in Mars but in the Earth, there have been terrible dust storms.