The pregnant giant white shark seems to have swum a distance of more than 1,100 km to avoid males trying to mate.

The world has turned into 2018, but it is still there but the unexplained mystery comes from 2017.

Andy Hales (55), a businessman in Birmingham (England), has caught a huge white shark weighing nearly 2 tons off South Africa.

A new study has just been published by Australian scientists showing that giant white sharks, the world's largest carnivorous fish, consume three to four times as much food as we

Gorillas, sharks, killer whales ... do you think any animal has the strongest bite?

Robertson said the white shark is about 6 meters long and bigger than the boat the father and son are sitting on.

A drone recorded a video of a giant white shark swimming right after a surfer, while he was releasing his feet in the water and waiting for the next wave.

Sea wolves also have other names such as Black Fish, Tiger Fish or killer whales. This fish has a scientific name, Orcinus orca, belonging to the subspecies of the Whale (they are