An obsessive fascination with the body of a great doctor led directly to the development of grave theft into a popular 'industry' in England in the 1700s.
No one has found the reason why thousands of earth mushrooms rise like giant bubble wrap.
The meaning of a 2,000-year-old dog site that has just been discovered in Russia reveals a lot of information about the relationship between this faithful pet and the people of
Archaeologists say it is likely that grave robbers stole the skull of the great English writer, William Shakespeare.
Spanish scientists yesterday affirmed that they found the great burial place of Cervantes, the author of the classic novel.
Chinese scientists are about to analyze the DNA of people capable of descendants Cao Cao to clarify whether people in the tomb in Henan province are Cao Cao.
Polish archaeologists found Corpernicus's grave in a Christian church since 2005 ...