The James Webb Space Telescope has just discovered a new ghostly phenomenon 10 billion light years from Earth.

This is a literal ghost because in real time this galaxy may be very old or no longer exist.

Almost everything in the universe has mass, from atoms and subatomic particles, to huge groups of galaxies.

Dark matter was first discovered in 1933, when scientists believed that limiting to visible matter could not explain the movement of stars and galaxies.

A team of astronomers from the universities of Groningen, Naples and Bonn developed a new method to find attractive lenses.

A controversial new theory about gravity has passed the first test. If success continues, this hypothesis will completely replace the current physics.

Researchers can detect conditions that are most relevant to life on the nearest Earth star system in rare gravitational lens events.

NASA's three most advanced space telescopes prepare to join forces to explore the deepest parts of the universe, opening new frontiers before humanity.