After about one week of diarrhea, male patients with weakened limbs, loss of tendon reflexes, doctors identified Guillain - Barré syndrome, ie nerve root inflammation.

Brazilian scientists have discovered Zika virus that can cause acute encephalitis spreading ADEM, attacking the brain and spinal cord in adults.

One-thirds of scientists confirmed that Zika is spreading rapidly in Latin America and that the virus is the cause of Guillain-Barre's dangerous neurological disorders.

Natasha Porter, 23, from Crawley, West Sussex (England) has experienced an incident when she was on vacation for 2 weeks in Australia.

According to a new study, on average there are nearly 1.5 million bacteria residing on each cm2 of dishwashing foam and about 150,000 bacteria per cm2 of dish cloths and plates.

Scientists in the United States look at data on side effects from getting the H1N1 flu vaccine in the H1N1 influenza vaccine program at 23 million Americans.