Do you know all the harmful effects of heroin? Heroin was produced in 1898 in Germany and marketed as a medicine for tuberculosis.

As we or anyone who has ever drank coffee knows, not all drugs are harmful.

For centuries, Chinese women suffered terrible pain when they had to hold their legs

There are many ways to measure the extent of harmful substances. For example, you can take into account the extent to which the substance is harmful to the whole society, its

We often think that gold and diamonds are the most expensive things. But not so, there are many precious and expensive materials on the earth, thousands of times more expensive

Heroin is an addictive substance extracted from poppy fruit. It is grouped with strong analgesics known as opiate.

Addictive heroin, resulting in weight loss, abscess, scaly skin and dark spots, serious cavities; from there devastating human face.

Russian narcotics police in the city of Tomsk in Siberia have discovered a new drug made from a tire-patching substance they think could affect the human brain more seriously than

Researchers at the Mexican National Institute of Psychiatry say they have successfully tested the vaccine on mice and prepared to test it on humans. The heroin-dependent vaccine

Previous research has shown these differences, but it is unclear how the brain is destroyed by addiction and the reason why it is easier for them to get into addiction than others.