Come to visit the places where Uncle Ho - the beloved old father of the nation used to live and work in the world before the revolutionary leader of Vietnam came to victory.

As President, every year, on his birthday, Uncle Ho often goes to work or visits some places to avoid troublesome and expensive rituals. There are years, on the occasion of the

Experts recommend that people choose places with good east and far away from the blinds to observe the eclipse phenomenon tomorrow night.

On the evening of October 28, the high tide measured at Cau Bong station was only 1.53 meters (0.3cm lower than the forecast but many roads were flooded more heavily due to the

Uncle Ho's simple and noble image will live forever in the hearts of the Vietnamese people and peace-loving people in the world.

Civil servants pushed the bouncing bicycle or the team waving the flag to win on the roof of De Castries were the symbolic images in the Dien Bien Phu victory.

'Big ideas often meet'. The thought of Ho President and Mr. Lee Kuan Yew are great ideas that have 'met'.

'The quality of bear bile sold in Vietnam is hardly clean and pure. Even more than 50% of bear bile is not hygienic, metamorphosed, if used, it can lead to cancer.