A Chinese scientist working for the world's largest cloned plant claims about the possibility of human cloning, but this issue is still kept secret for fear of community response.

According to Professor Nicholas Rivron, the head of the research team, as early as three years, they can create mouse embryos capable of surviving.

The president of the world's largest cloning company in China said it was holding human cloning technology but delayed the cloning because of fear of public opinion.

2013 has witnessed many important and important advances in the field of medicine. The most significant is finding a way to help a child infected with HIV immediately after birth

Many people are worried about the prospect of a human being born in the name of science. Even after hearing it, creating people by humanity is like a blasphemy.

Within the next half century, parents who lost their children due to an accident may spend money to create a replica of the dead child, a Nobel laureate claims.