As a symbol for the masses, genius physicists still have very human flaws and that is quite normal in scientific research.

Members of the Habsburg family almost all suffer from this syndrome, when their jaws become extremely large, making it difficult to eat.

Are babies born to two cousins really at high risk of birth defects? The following basic genetic principles will help us answer this question.

Humans can still recover from a couple of men and women who survived the disaster, despite the high risk of malformations caused by marriage.

It is unbelievable that at this time, in a civilized and developed country like America still exists this strange custom.

The ancient Egyptian king Tutankhamun left a curse of death or he died of assassination ... in fact just a hoax.

It took almost two decades for the scientific community to explain the cause of common twins in a southern Brazilian town.

Right from 34,000 years ago, our ancestors knew that inbreeding was a bad idea.

Many Egyptians believe that Emperor Tutankhamun was the result of a close marriage between two siblings, but others insisted that he was the son of a cousin.