Until now, despite the scientific and technological advances that have revealed many things that have been considered mysterious to humans, we still have not obtained satisfactory

Russia's unmanned Progress transport ship failed in an attempt to connect to the International Space Station (ISS) yesterday due to an incident.

The astronauts of the space shuttle Atlantis discovered chipping marks about 53 cm long on the hull.

Yesterday, America's CO2 emission satellite named Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) fell to the area near Antarctica, shortly after leaving the launch pad due to technical

The Fukushima I plant incident was devastated by tsunamis / earthquakes in March, pouring a lot of cesium 137 into the sea and this is the biggest oceanic nuclear radiation

Bringing in the amount of radioactivity that can be lethal at any time, a 59-year-old 'suicide force' encourages his wife with e-mail rushes: 'You and I continue to live well, I'll