Archimedes invented the law bearing his name while bathing in a bath, Mendeleev created a periodic table of chemical elements based on a dream ....

Recently, Business Insider published a list of 10 talented young inventors under 18 years old. These are very creative students, inventing products that are useful for society.

On Asmelash Zerefu's social networking site, people gave him lots of compliments like the Wright brothers in the United States because of their effort to create a plane of their

Agricultural systems and wastewater treatment in Mexico's floating gardens are so advanced that despite efforts to recreate it in today's times - every attempt fails.

Nikola Tesla is a great Serbian-American inventor, his contributions have changed the technology world a century ago.

Currently, this invention has been granted a patent for industrial designs by the National Office of Intellectual Property and is widely sold throughout the country, being favored

A British plumber realizes his dream of flying into the air as he builds a gas engine powered by natural gas.

Chi Trung artists will participate in the show

A new 6-year-old farmer makes rice-based rice-seeding machines running around in the fields. Experts in Africa considered signing a contract to buy the machine immediately. So,

As a welder who turned into an inventor, Shuai Geng made the Chinese online community 'crazy' with his bizarre and bizarre inventions.