Scientists have found a surprising answer to the question of how koala drinks water. Through research, koala species drink water directly on the tree.

An adult Koala bear will have to eat about 1kg of eucalyptus leaves a day to get enough nutrition, and it takes up to 100-200 hours to fully digest. People often call Koala a lazy

Forest fires have turned Southeast Australia into a devastating nightmare, wiping out millions of animals. About 8,000 koalas have died since the start of the fire.

Koala mother hugged her child on a fallen tree after a fire despite the fire burns her back and ears.

What is extinction function? Why do koala bears fall into that situation?

Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly back, bees can count to 4 or some people have the ability to smell and see music.

Climate change is affecting most organisms. Scientists fear that the 6th major extinction with 75% of species will disappear forever.

Believe it when there is a human-like animal in the world, the scanning electron microscope is difficult to distinguish.

Baby pocket bear eating mother's stool, vulture

Koala bear, or koala (scientific name: Phascolarctos cinereus) is a mammal with a plant-eating bag that lives in Australia and is the only animal that still lives in the family