Edmond Locard, nicknamed the French Sherlock Holmes, built the world's first forensic laboratory in Lyon.

The XENONnT dark matter experiment requires a huge laboratory deep underground, tons of liquid xenon and a series of precision measurement chambers.

The reason why the blobs in the universe become bright is due to the formation of new stars within it.

Scientists at the US National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) reconstruct some of the important events of the universe, helping to prove or reject many theories and predictions about

The US Aerospace Agency (NASA) is planning to turn a pit on the Moon into a science laboratory for robots.

A US Navy lab is studying how to grow green vegetables on a submarine for the crew's three-month trips.

The robot called Promobot IR77 successfully escaped from the laboratory in Russia and ran out of battery so it stopped in the middle of the road, causing a chaotic traffic.

US researchers have designed a on-chip lab that can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks.