Scientists injected liver cells to turn one of the lymph nodes in the human body into a second liver.

Gio Thu is one of the typical dishes of Vietnamese people during Tet. However, pork sausage contains a lot of fat and calories, so you should not eat too much to avoid weight gain.

If you look at the lymph nodes of a person with lots of tattoos, you will notice a very strange thing is the existence of microscopic metal particles.

Swollen glands in the right neck may be just signs of common diseases such as tonsillitis, salivary gland inflammation, sore throat, sinus sinus, ... but at the same time they are

Scientists at the Medical Research Institute in Garvan, Sydney, Australia, have discovered a new structure in the human body, remembering how to fight infection and only appear

Clearly, your pores expand and your skin will soon sweat. You will continue to practice as a habit in your free time and feel lighter

Black death once caused one of the most terrible disasters in human history and killed several tens of millions of medieval people, ...

According to a team of researchers at the University of California, 3 mice were blinded, not to see how blind they moved to find ways to heal their eyesight by glaucoma.

According to US scientific research, people infected with hepatitis B virus are twice as likely to develop lymphoma.

A fairly simple way and you can apply it regularly, using 3 fingers: point, middle, ring to check if you have signs of throat cancer.