The more you interact with the sun, the more your body produces melanin, melanin that helps fight ultraviolet rays and darkens skin.

Eye color is unique and unique like each person's fingerprint. You can see that the people around have the same brown or black eye color as me, but surely the eye color is

Why does our hair get silvery? It is said that when we are old, we have gray hair, but many people are young and still have gray hair. So what are the factors that make hair look

The freckles form because the melanin pigment is unevenly distributed under the skin, making the skin darker when exposed to sunlight.

Recently, US scientists have discovered skin cells containing pigment Rhodopsin, a visual pigment, that promotes the production of Melanin skin to darken the skin when exposed to

High density melanin (also known as melanin) - a pigment in skin and hair - may cause smokers with darker skin pigmentation to be more dependent on nicotine.

Moles have two asymmetrical halves, irregular, colorful and large diameter ... warning a malignant tumor.

The latest study clearly demonstrates that the incidence of melanin tumors (a form of skin cancer) in adults can be reduced by using the right sunscreen at a young age.

According to a reporter in Mexico, Mexican scientist Arturo Solis Herrera recently created a battery that can be used to turn on a flashlight for 100 years by using water and

British scientists have developed a tiny subcutaneous implant that helps give you a healthy tan without having to use a skin dye machine.