One study shows just how far the size of plastic waste is bigger than human estimates.

Tiny particles of plastic floating on the sea will be eaten by the fry. This can cause a reduction in the amount of fish on Earth, affecting the food chain of animals.

About 73,000 small pieces of plastic enter the human body through food, drinks and breathing, carrying pathogenic bacteria and causing antibiotic resistance.

Tiny pieces of plastic have been found in ice cores drilled in the Arctic, indicating increasing pollution for marine life in even the most remote waters of the planet.

Fionn Ferreira received $ 50,000 in prize money from the Google Science Fair. A reward for the effort to save mankind!

This is the first time scientists have discovered plastic entering the human body, while many previous studies have shown that marine animals are plastic.

Although an effective tool to improve vision and vision in people with short-sighted contact lenses, contact lenses are also one of the causes of environmental pollution.

Perhaps up to this point, many of us understand how plastic can make environmental pollution so horrible.

Midway Atoll, a remote Pacific island is showing us a horrifying scene after the death of seabirds.

99% of the trash that people throw into the sea is disappearing, but this is not good news.