This invention offers a new and sustainable solution to the global microplastic pollution problem.

According to Science Alert, plastic is everywhere, with small pieces found in many important organs of the human body.

Researchers have recently developed a biodegradable plastic that contains no microplastics. It is still durable and can be fully recycled.

All 11 dolphins in the study had at least one type of microplastic present in their breath samples.

Research shows that brightly colored plastics such as red, blue and green are able to decompose into microplastics faster than light or colorless plastics.

Microplastics have been found in Mount Everest, the deep Mariana Trench of the Pacific Ocean and now in men's testicular tissue.

A laboratory study shows that microplastics can persist during cell division and contribute to the spread of cancer when they are in tumors.

Microplastics have been found in supermarket food and farm animals in the Netherlands, however, its impact on human health is unknown.

Scientists have proven that microplastics are everywhere, in the air, in the oceans and even in the human body for many years.

Recently, microplastics have been found for the first time in snowfall in Antarctica. This could accelerate the thaw and pose a threat to the continent's unique ecosystems.